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Common Sense For Common People

Archive for March, 2010

Pennsylvania To Sue Over Healthcare

March 22nd, 2010 by Rich Szabo

Pennsylvania Attorney General Corbett will file lawsuit to block health care reform legislation

HARRISBURG — Attorney General Tom Corbett today said that he will file a lawsuit to protect the citizens of Pennsylvania whose rights will be violated when the health care reform legislation, passed last night by the U.S. House of Representatives, is signed into law by President Obama.

Corbett said that he believes the courts will find the health care reform legislation unconstitutional.

Corbett said he is discussing legal strategy with attorneys general from Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Michigan, Texas, Utah, Washington, North Dakota and South Dakota and Virginia.

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Obama calls “Entrepreneurship Summit” with Muslims

March 7th, 2010 by Rich Szabo

In his June “A New Beginning” speech in Cairo, President Obama announced that the U.S. will host a Summit on Entrepreneurship to identify how we can deepen ties between business leaders, foundations, and social entrepreneurs in the United States and Muslim-majority countries (MMC), including their minority populations, and Muslim communities around the world.

With all the American business failing you would think he would have an “American Entrepreneurship Summit”. But NO.

A Muslim “summit on entrepreneurship” to me is a “weapons bazzar and bake sale”. These people have not gotten along with others for thousands of years. Now let’s bring them all together like the old mafia and they can decide on which areas they can control. Why not give them casino licenses to launder money too? Did’nt Barry-O ever notice that other countries try not to get involved with this type of stuff?

What country is stupid enough to host a “black market mixer?”. What next?…a summit dinner cruse on a hijacked cargo ship? Well , it’s time to pack the camel with Russian ak-47’s , rpg’s and chinese ammo and shuffle off to the summit. I guess gas stations and 7-11 stores are not enough.

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