Buzz Paths

Common Sense For Common People

The Obama Transparency

January 17th, 2010 by Ted Silberstein

Barak Obama’s latest healthcare prison yard shiv is in-your-face BELIEVABLE. Only the UNIONS will not be taxed on their “Cadillac” health insurance policies, while anyone not in a union will be taxed. If you’re not in a union it’s Pound Sand, or should we say Pay Sam. Unions off the hook for the tax purely in exchange for political support of Democrats. To all those who are knocking Barak Obama and his Democrat machine for not being transparent, I say you don’t get the irony. To the contrary, they have never been so flagrantly transparent as to what they are than ever before. This is totally out in the open, in the store front for all to see, pure unadulterated Boss Tweed, Tammany Hall, smoke filled back room gutter politics at its absolute zenith. A deal made not only with a special interest group, but with UNIONS – special interest groups on steroids. And they don’t care who knows it. You can’t get anymore transparent than that. It conjures up the chilling words of Ash the android in the movie Aliens, describing his admiration for the malevolent alien. Ash could have been describing the Obama machine to us bewildered conservatives when he bragged – “You still don’t know what you’re dealing with do you? Perfect organism. It’s structural perfection is matched only by its hostility. I admire its purity of survival, unclouded by conscience, remorse or delusions of morality.” Now that’s transparency.

Nicely played indeed Mr. Obama. We bow to the evil master, we didn’t know you had it in you.

Ted Silberstein
Florida Cop

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President Ostrich – Get Your Head Out Of The Sand

December 31st, 2009 by Rich Szabo

The United States of America has now been attacked by terrorists twice in two months. Barry Soetero aka Barrack Obama has not only minimized these attacks, he has stuck his head in the sand. The latest attack was on Christmas Day by a guy who is now known as the “pants bomber“.

Janet Incompitano comes out to say “the system worked” Achmed Hotpants should’ve never been allowed in the Amsterdam airport let alone on the plane: he paid cash for a ONE-WAY ticket, he was on the ‘no-fly list’, his father had warned the US about his son’s religious zealousness…THEY BLEW IT! And the result is we’re really going to search gramma and everyone else EXCEPT the people we should be PROFILING!!!!!

Let’s say we all lived in a village on the Serengeti Plain. Everyday animals like giraffes, water buffalo, gazelles and lions would pass by the village. Unfortunately, a pair of rogue lions (it does happen) starts mauling villagers. Now, when the animals pass by each day which ones will you pay attention to? Would you say to yourself that maybe the giraffes will maul our villagers? Or would you be focusing your attention on the lions? If you focused your attention on the lions, would that mean that you hate ALL lions? Maybe. It’s really irrelevant, isn’t it? The point is to stop the rogue lions, which means extra scrutiny on all lions passing by. Does that make me an intolerable animal hater or a vigilant person looking out for the welfare of my people? You be the judge! We should be learning from Israeli security.

Lets get the facts straight. The first thing this administration did when they took office was disban the FBI anti-terrorist division, disrupted the CIA’s intelligence gathering mechanism, stopped using the word terrorist and the phrase “war on terror”. All this had to stop . God forbid we should insult someone who is trying to kill us!

What you got in Detroit was the end result of Obamas’ political correctness and there is more and bigger things brewing if this administration doesn’t wake up and quit trying to make nice with the worlds terrorists.

TSA has nothing to do with it. The idiot Obama put in charge couldn’t protect a dog from fleas. Janet Incompitano is the best tool any terrorist has. And by the way, Barry gives the terrorists the protection of our Constitution which means nothing to this administration, except they don’t abide by it unless it is to protect TERRORISTS.

The evidence against Obama is piling up and even the far left is beginning to notice.

They should begin to use full body scanners But I’m sure the male liberals, would object because it would prove once and for all that they have no balls.

It is this Americans Against America attitude among the Left. Need we go into PCness and the inability to profile?

We need to call things as they are. If it looks, acts, sounds like a duck ….

The lefties of the world immediately go into Bush bashing. NEWS FLASH: HE’S GONE!!! It doesn’t matter. What does matter is what this guy is doing. I could care less what Bush did, Clinton or Grover Cleveland for that matter. What I care about is how this bozo is running around the planet “playing” president and not being one.

Barry has been pulling a Ferris Bueller since he got into office. What he should do is turn the entire Middle East to glass! End of discussion. Profile ANYONE from the Middle East, Africa or an Arabic sounding name and STOP reading Miranda Rights and giving these pieces of excrement Constitutional Rights and a lawyer. It’s a very simple solution.

What Barry and da Boyz are doing is putting everything he has into “looking good” and not taking care of business. He was too busy ramming porkulus bills, healthcare and the auto industry bailouts down out throats than protecting the country. He’s beginning to make Jimmy Carter look like the best president we ever had. Now that’s sad.

Obama has shown an utter inability to focus, to set priorities and to consider long-term consequences to his actions. Lack of focus on priorities is fatal as a CEO; (but, maybe less so for a political leader?)

Obama clearly does not see his primary job as one of overseeing the security and well-being of America during his tenure as its chief executive. He’s not only unwilling to stand up for America , but he also regularly seems to go out of his way to apologize for her history. This makes it apparent that he believes his most important job is to change America into what he thinks it should have been had we not suffered the Founders flawed vision.

Obamas’ aims seem truly radical (if stealth); his methods pure Alinsky; and his success derivative of obfuscating the truth, creating crises, and rushing changes into law that no one can possibly absorb under artificial deadlines all aimed at limiting private property rights, changing the Constitution and forever altering our free market system.

For those who consider Obamas’ training and background irrelevant, they can now evaluate him as a Commander-in-Chief and CEO from what he’s done over his first year.

Among many other things, these evidences have come in the form of:

1. A $787B stimulus package (sold as preventing a crisis from becoming catastrophe)

2. The failure to focus on addressing the banking crisis as Job One

3. The migration of TARP funds to non-banking concerns, including the auto industry

4. Announcing tax increases in the middle of a recession

5. Failure to identify projects to fund job creation

6. Announcing that there would be no pork or earmarks in the stimulus package in order to get it passed without review when there were nearly 10,000 buried in the unread bill (including a $9B high-speed rail line to Las Vegas for Harry Reid ) Watch the video:

7. Bailouts of the banking and auto industries

8. The appointment of a 31-year-old to manage the revitalization on of the auto companies

9. The exalting of union claims above those of bondholders (violating a 200+ year history of contract law/property rights)

10. The appointment of 38 unvetted czars – creating more than in the House of Romanov between 1762 and 1917!

11. The failure to appoint a Cabinet of tax-paying, competent Americans (Reason for the move to the Czar system of administration?)

12. The appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court despite some questions about her lack of qualifications and judicial temperament.

13. The dark-of-night passage of Cap and Trade legislation (300-page-long addendum inserted at 3 am the morning of the vote in the House)

14. The high pressure tactics to rush through a budget-busting $1.6 Trillion takeover of our National Healthcare System.

15. Phony town hall meetings with a fake cross-section of Americans selling Obamacare on ABC.

16. Lying about budget deficits projecting 4% GDP growth by year-end.

17. Lying about job losses projecting that if Congress would just ram through the stimulus that job losses could be halted at 8% (currently unemployment is at 10%. That does not include the 7-8% of people who are either self employed and out of work or who have stopped collecting unemployemnt. So the real unemployment rate is in the neighborhood of 17%).

18. Lying about the costs of nationalized healthcare – (just as when politicians projected Medicare’s cost in 1990 to be $3 billion, its actual cost turned out in 1990 to $98 billion, 30 times as much)

19. Pretending that new entitlement programs will provide lower costs, better care, no significant tax increases, more competition (as government joins the fray!) and keeping current private options. Claiming free healthcare will make America more competitive is baffling. Everyone knows the above are lies; but no one seems ready to call him out.

20. Forcing the stimulus package on states to impinge on States Rights.

21. Failing to support the freedom-loving citizens in Honduras and Iran (and instead, giving comfort to their dictators) to say nothing of his ineffectiveness with North Korea and his anti-Israeli pronouncements.

22. Allocating $4 Billion of stimulus funds to ACORN, the the people who brought you voter fraud.

23. Seeking to push through Union Card Check, the so-called Fairness Doctrine, and threats to take away 2nd Amendment rights.

24. Moving the heretofore non-partisan 2010 National Census into the White house under the direction of Rahm Emanuel.

25. Lying about having a transparent government. From the whitehouse website:

“My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government”

They have done everything in their power not to be transparent. He’s as transparent as his brown shirt.

26. Deciding to try terrorists in New York City. It will cost NYC a minimum of 75 million dollars just for added security. Not to mention the ridiculous circus this will create.

Whatever one thinks of the results, the process of getting to them should bother all Americans. In the Obama (Mayor Daley) style of governing, its not clear that Congress, who can’t possibly process thoughtfully the blizzard of legislation, really serves any useful purpose other than to provide Politburo-style cover. Not only does Congress no longer debate legislation, but Obama has effectively circumvented its oversight of the executive branch by his appointment of czars.

Obama has confused leadership with salesmanship. Leaders aren’t salesmen because leaders aren’t sellers: they’re buyers. They buy into shared interests instead of selling out to conflicting interests. In a way, that was the point of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman: Willy Loman ended up broke, alone, and defeated because he couldn’t lead anyone, anywhere, to anything — because he was too busy selling. Instead of buying in, Willy was selling out. Sound familiar? It should: striking deals that are riddled with pervasive conflicts of interest has become a hallmark of the Obama Presidency.

Overall, 47% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) disapprove. What does that tell you?

This guy isn’t even voting “present”.

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Festive Yuletide Greetings

December 16th, 2009 by Rich Szabo

To All My Liberal Friends:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2010, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere . Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

To My Conservative Friends:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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November 19th, 2009 by Rich Szabo

Attorney General Eric Holder announced Friday that five Guantanamo Bay detainees with alleged ties to the 9/11 conspiracy, including accused mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be transferred to New York to go on trial in civilian court.

So now we have a corrupt, plastic neophyte of a president, a secretary of Homeland Security employed because she “can see Mexico from her house,” a Treasury Secretary who is guilty of tax fraud, and an anti-Gitmo Attorney General who worked for a firm who will directly benefit from the closing of Gitmo, which is a blatant conflict of interest.

The prestigious D.C. law firm where Attorney General Eric Holder is a senior partner, Covington & Burling, just happens to represent 17 detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

From the firm’s web site:

Guantanamo Bay Detainees

* We represent sixteen men detained at the United States Naval Station at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Most of the men have been detained for approximately seven years. None have been charged with any crimes, and none have been accorded the protections of the Geneva Convention. In Boumediene v. Bush, 128 S. Ct. 2229 (2008), where we were co-counsel for eleven of the detainees, the Supreme Court held that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus extends to detainees held at Guantánamo Bay. Following that decision, we have been preparing for habeas corpus hearings to be held in federal district court Washington, DC, for eleven of our clients.

* The firm has been involved in the Guantánamo related litigation for the last five years. In addition to the on-going habeas corpus proceedings, our efforts have included: bringing cases for review of enemy combatant classification decisions in the D.C. Circuit under the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005; challenging the destruction of CIA torture tapes in federal court; filing amicus briefs and coordinating the amicus effort in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 U.S. 557 (2006); filing amicus briefs in support of Supreme Court review in Moussaoui v. United States, 382 F.3d 483 (4th Cir.), cert denied, 544 U.S. 931 (2005); challenging the government’s practice of redacting information from documents given to security-cleared habeas counsel; and challenging the abusive medical and living conditions that the detainees experience at Guantánamo.

Just the latest disturbing development regarding a guy who lobbied for pardoning convicted FALN terrorists against the judgment of the FBI and U.S. attorneys.

No wonder he is not in favor of Military Tribunals. During his Senate hearing Holder was steadfast in his decision, saying he was confident his choice of venue was legally sound and would produce a conviction. He denied that his Justice Department was going soft on terror and cited a number of arrests in cities nationwide.

Holder’s main refrain, however, was that the decision to hold the trial in civilian court rather than a military commission was not political and was instead based on where he thought his best chance for conviction was.

Holder should recuse himself from any participation in any case involving detainees.

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November 18th, 2009 by Rich Szabo

BEIJING (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama said in an interview with CNN on Wednesday he is “very close” to a decision on boosting troop levels in Afghanistan and would make an announcement “in the next several weeks.”

In a transcript of the interview seen by Reuters, Obama said he did not want his successor as president to inherit the Afghan conflict, adding that a “multi-year occupation” would not serve the interests of the United States.

Barry has now been dragging his feet since August. On
August 30, 2009 General Stanley McCrystal submitted his Commander Initial Assessment

You can view it here:

General McChrystal shocked and angered presidential advisers with the bluntness of a speech given in London the last week of September.

The next day he was summoned to an awkward 25-minute face-to-face meeting on board Air Force One on the tarmac in Copenhagen, where Barry had arrived to pitch Chicago’s unsuccessful Olympic bid.

Remember that back in March Obama unveiled his “comprehensive new strategy . . . to reverse the Taliban’s gains and promote a more capable and accountable Afghan government.” The Dimwit in Chief pledged to properly resource this “war of necessity,” which he also called during the 2008 campaign “the central front on terror.” Barry then sacked his war commander, who had been chosen by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in favor of General McChrystal, an expert in counterinsurgency.

In June, General McChrystal launched his assessment of the forces required to execute the Obama strategy. His confidential study was completed in August and sent to the Pentagon. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Michael Mullen told Congress that more troops would be needed, and a figure of 30,000-40,000 was bandied about.

The figure has clearly spooked the Administration. Soon after, General McChrystal’s confidential report was leaked to the Washington Post The report said that the U.S. urgently needs to reverse a “deteriorating” security situation. Soon the full retreat began in Washington, led by a vocal group within the Administration that wants to scale back the mission. The White House told the Pentagon to hold off asking for troops and General McChrystal not to testify to Congress. Obama asked on the Sunday talks shows, “Are we doing the right thing?”

So now we are coming up on November and Barry is still thinking about it. What more is there to think about?

By the time this week is over, Barry will have visited twenty countries.
Exotic destinations across four continents. War zones. Palaces and ancient wonders of the world. So many invitations, so little time.

Instead of playing rock star, maybe Barry should think about BEING a president and staying home and taking care of the country.

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November 17th, 2009 by Rich Szabo

Lou Dobbs resigned from CNN this week. Here in his own words he explains as to why:

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November 16th, 2009 by Ted Silberstein

Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (& some older ones) didn’t know this. It’s easy to check out, if you don’t believe it. Be sure and show it to your kids. They need a little history lesson on what’s what and it doesn’t matter whether you are Democrat or Republican.

Facts are Facts!!!

Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social
Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1.) That participation in the Program would be
Completely voluntary,
No longer Voluntary

2.) That the participants would only have to pay
1% of the first $1,400 of their annual
Incomes into the Program, Now 7.65% on the first $90,000

3.) That the money the participants elected to put
into the Program would be deductible from
their income for tax purposes each year,
No longer tax deductible

4.) That the money the participants put into the
independent ‘Trust Fund’ rather than into the
general operating fund, and therefore, would
only be used to fund the Social Security
Retirement Program, and no other Government program, and, Under Johnson the money was moved to The General Fund and Spent

5.) That the annuity payments to the retirees
would never be taxed as income.
Under Clinton & Gore Up to 85% of your Social Security can be Taxed

Since many of us have paid into FICA for years and are
now receiving a Social Security check every month —
and then finding that we are getting taxed on 85% of
the money we paid to the Federal government to ‘put
away’ — you may be interested in the following:

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the
independent ‘Trust Fund’ and put it into the
general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically
controlled House and Senate.

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax
deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social
Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, with Al Gore casting the
‘tie-breaking’ deciding vote as President of the
Senate, while he was Vice President of the US

Q: Which Political Party decided to start
giving annuity payments to immigrants?


A: That’s right!
Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.
Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65,
began to receive Social Security payments! The
Democratic Party gave these payments to them,
even though they never paid a dime into it!

Then, after violating the original contract (FICA), the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!

And the worst part about it is uninformed citizens believe it!
If enough people receive this, maybe a seed of
awareness will be planted and maybe changes will
evolve. Maybe not, some Democrats are awfully
sure of what isn’t so.

But it’s worth a try. How many people can YOU send this to?

Actions speak louder than bumper stickers.


A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-Thomas Jefferson

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Barry Bows Again…This Time In Japan

November 15th, 2009 by Rich Szabo

The Groveler in chief strikes again.

Obama Bows To Japanese Emporer

Will this man ever stop bowing and scraping to foreign leaders? What is wrong with him? Wait I know, he is a narcissistic, psychopath with delusions of grander and bent on destroying the United Sates of America as we once knew it: a free country.

Remember Barry bowing to the Saudi King? Remember the big hoopla around that one? The Whitehouse Court Jester Booby Gibbs said “oh no, he didn’t bow”. I can’t wait to hear what little Booby has to say about this one.

Obama bows to Saudi King

America should bow to no nations or people, neither should Michelle touch the queen of England. Both seem to appear as uncultured buffoons.

For the President, WHO REPRESENTS ALL OF US, to place himself in such a humbling position, reflects badly on the entire nation. We fought a REVOLUTION to break clear of royal tyranny and MOST presidents have displayed the independence and dignity of a proud Republic ever since.

Obviously, this jerk in the Whitehouse has no problem with assuming the subservient position. The first thing he should do upon his return to the USA is bow low (very low) to the American people.

Contrary to some claims, the video shows no reciprocal bow by the emperor, who traditionally bows to no one. And we’ve added a file photo from 2007 of Vice President Dick Cheney greeting the Japanese Emperor at the same residence in a different fashion.

How low will the new American president go for the world’s royalty?

This photo will get Barry a lot of approving nods in Japan this weekend, especially among the older generation of Japanese who still pay attention to the royal family. Very low bows like this are a sign of great respect and deference to a superior.

Standing upright and shaking his hand would have sufficed as when Dick Cheney then Vice President met with him.

Cheney meets Japanese Emperor

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Who’s Really Running the Country?

November 12th, 2009 by Rich Szabo

I did not write this and I give no opinion other than to share it for opinions.

    Who is Really Running the Country?

I have been having a nagging intuition lately that something is not quite right about Barack Obama. I am not suggesting there is something wrong with the man, per se. Nor am I talking about the crazy, even dangerous, policies coming out of the White House. No, lately, I have been wondering if Barack Obama is, in fact, the person who is actually functioning as President of the United States.

I mean, there’s no doubt that he fills the position of POTUS but is he really the one in command? The man actually seems lost at times. He seems to be reacting to ideas about which he does not really have a clue. He has left the writing of this health care bill to Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives and she, in turn, has farmed the writing out to several fairly radical community action groups. When questioned about health care, he seems not to know or understand the details and even with his silver-tongue seems unable to demonstrate any leadership on the issue.

With respect to Afghanistan and the rest of our foreign policy, he seems equally lost. Especially when it comes to dealing with other world leaders. He makes beautiful speeches but seems to be unable to cut deals which benefit our nation. He seems to be acting as a pawn of much more clever world leaders.

The more I watch the man, the more I see a person who appears to be the “face” of some other entity or group. He seems like a “front man”. And it is becoming clear that his strings are being pulled by someone else. He does not appear to be the man in command of the ship of state. At least, he is not in the driver’s seat.

You might recall that people said about Bush that he was a front man for the neo-cons and that it was really Dick Cheney that was running the show. It turns out that Dick Cheney was not as influential in Bush’s second term as many thought but, perhaps it is true that the neo-cons, whoever they may be, were pulling some of Bush’s strings.
On the other hand, with Obama, it does not appear that there is anyone who is visible to ‘we the people’ or the media who is pulling the strings. If they are there, they are not in elected positions as Cheney was. They are better hidden than that.

We know that he has been and remains surrounded by life-long radicals, professed communists and anti-capitalists, some of whom he has even appointed as czars in his administration. Thirty six czars, to date. But is it Obama who is picking the czars or is it the czars who are running the show and propping up Obama as their front man?

I know all this may sound crazy but, really, when you look at the man without the idolatry and media worship, does he really look like he knows what he is doing? Does he seem to have a direction? Firm convictions? Something he deeply believes in? The more he talks now, the more his words seems empty of content. Platitudes about America and the American people which, when he says them, simply do not ring true. They are words being mouthed but not believed by him.

Okay, so maybe he is really clever, is firmly moving the ship to the left while mouthing the words of a centrist but I don’t think so. What I used to think was that he was a really slick conman who was making us watch his left hand while he was manipulating us with his right. But, now I don’t think that so much. I think the man is more plastic than real. Now I begin to see him as the “Great and Powerful Oz”: a fearsome presence who is being manipulated by men behind the curtain. And while Obama does not have strong convictions, the men behind the curtain do. And they are moving this country down a dangerous path. All the while, we are being distracted by Obama and what he says and does.

Okay, maybe I am simply a mildly paranoid conspiracy theorist. Why, you might ask, have Obama up there? Why not have one of the actual people behind the curtain run for President. Well, being a paranoid conspiracy theorist, I can come up with an answer to that question. Those other people behind the curtain have backgrounds that are so radical that they would never have made it past the first few days of a campaign. Additionally, they are life-long community organizers and they know what kind of face can be effective if you wish to radically change the nation. First, you need a black man to gain the support of the vast black minority. Second, you need a pale skinned black man so as not to be too much of a threat to white Americans. For the same reasons, you need a mixed race man who allies himself with the poor and down-trodden.

And you need someone who speaks well enough to co-opt the language of the right and appear to be a uniter, not a divider. Someone who sees, or at least can articulate, both sides of an issue. This is the kind of man you would pick to be your front man so that while you move things drastically and dramatically left, the vast majority of Americans will not believe that was the intention of the moderate appearing front man.

Yes, Obama was a community organizer. Yes, he could be clever enough to have this all be his idea. But he really wasn’t a community organizer for that long. And when he was, he didn’t do anything truly radical. It was more a time during which he was being trained than a time when he was driven by a personal sense of commitment to anything in particular. There are people who are now in his government who have been community organizers and radical left wing activists for 20-30 years. These people have deeply ingrained commitments to changing the system and have been actively trying to do so for all that time. Obama is not one of them.

In my view, Obama has been trained and used as a puppet by others for a long time. His successes seem to have come too easily, as if they have been orchestrated. His life appears to have been pre-planned. I mean, Harvard Law Review without publishing a single paper of note. That is unusual. A community organizer for a short time, a State legislator for a few years, a freshman US Senator, a convention key-note speaker, and then POTUS. How does that happen? A person with zero governmental administrative experience is running the entire government of the United States.

How do 1,017 page documents get developed and put out in such short order? Who is writing all these proposals? Does it not seem that something is just not quite right here? Forget about the specifics of the policies for the moment. Have you seen this level of activity in the first few months of any other administration in your lifetime? Does Obama seem like the kind of person that could manage this level of activity in so short a time? Too much does not make sense here.
So, slowly but surely, I am becoming convinced that it’s not Barack Obama who is running the show. The White House has been captured by a group of people who are using Barack Obama as their front man. He is nothing but an articulate but empty suit. We have to start looking behind the curtains to find out who is really controlling the “great and powerful Obama.”

Something to think about….

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The Daley Backwords

November 11th, 2009 by Ted Silberstein

Well Chicago’s Mayor Daley has marginalized himself once again with his verbal bilge that the Fort Hood massacre was caused by Americans’ love of guns. No Mayor Daley you have it backwards, the Fort Hood massacre was caused by Islamic extremist’s love of guns!

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