Buzz Paths

Common Sense For Common People

White House Turning Into The KGB

August 8th, 2009 by Rich Szabo

People are being asked by the government to report people who they talk to that oppose healthcare reform. In other words the government is asking Americans to spy on other Americans and report them if their views are different than the president’s views.

The whitehouse website states: “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”

Did you ever believe that this day would come in America? Suddenly opposing the president isn’t patriotic, as it was when Bush was the president. Now if you oppose the president, the government is asking that you be reported for simply debating the issues with another citizen.

Obama has drawn a line in the sand, he has defined his enemy and his enemy is anybody who opposes a government takeover of the healthcare industry. One can judge a person by the company he keeps and Barack Obama is no exception. He has aligned himself with radicals all of his life and because of that we can label him a radical. But you can also measure a person by who he calls his enemies and with this website page Barack Obama has called over 50% of Americans his enemy.

What are they going to do? Send the KGB to our homes and arrest us? Then stick us in a Gulag for the rest of our lives?

We cannot stand for his Orwellian policies any longer, it is time to stand up. Barack Obama is trying to marginalize and intimidate those who do not agree with him. It is now more important than ever to stand up and tell the president that those who oppose him are not going away because of a simple intimidation tactic, if anything this should galvanize us against such fascistic behavior. It is time to take our country back!

Call, email, write and TURN YOURSELF IN!

Here is the White House contact info:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Switchboard: 202-456-1414

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