Buzz Paths

Common Sense For Common People


October 19th, 2008 by Rich Szabo

Barack Obama has been spewing his “Hope and Change” theme for this election cycle. That has become the mantra for the Democrats. They never quite get to the point of what they talk about as far as “hope”. The definition of “hope” according to is:Hope:

1: to cherish a desire with anticipation
2: to desire with expectation of obtainment

What Senator Obama doesn’t tell you , is that Hope “Changes” to “HOPELESS”.

1 a: having no expectation of good or success : despairing
b: not susceptible to remedy or cure
c: incapable of redemption or improvement

2 a: giving no ground for hope : desperate
b: incapable of solution, management, or accomplishment : impossible
synonyms see “despondent”

To me, the word “hope” is a negative. It’s an expectation. Most expectations get flushed down the toilet and never get met. It’s unrealistic to look for “hope” in something. It’s a way to camouflage what you really want to do.

What Obama and the Congress are doing is selling the American people a bill of goods. They are camouflaging Socialism with “Hope and Change”. Yes, just like Adolf Hitler did way back when. He promised the German people things he never intended on seeing through.

Hitler was hardly satisfied with a discussion of ideas. He sought to create a force for “change”. For this purpose, he needed followers. But he was still unsure of himself. Could he lead others? Would others listen to his ideas and follow him? The only way to know was to try.

Hitler discovered his two most powerful weapons: his ability to speak and excite people. From then on the meetings grew in numbers and so did the German Workers’ Party. Does this sound at all familiar?

In 1919 Hitler had been surprised to discover that he could capture the attention of seventy people. By the mid-1930s he had become a masterful speaker. He spoke at huge rallies organized by the Party, holding thousands of listeners spellbound with his visionary dreams of what Germany could become, and arousing them to a frenzied hatred of Jews, Communists, and political enemies.

In the fall of 1929 a shock wave began in the city of New York that was destined to help bring Hitler to power in far-off Germany. The Wall Street stock market crashed. The trading of stocks came to an abrupt halt when the value of the stocks suddenly fell to practically nothing. Millionaires became paupers overnight. The middle class saw its savings and investments disappear. People who had invested in stocks and bonds suddenly had nothing left. Banks failed and companies went bankrupt; people who had placed their money in savings accounts and checking accounts found that they could not draw their money out because the banks had been shut down. Factories and stores closed. Jobs were scarce.

Germany’s economy after World War I had been built on foreign loans, especially loans from the United States, and on world trade, which was also based on a system of loans and notes of credit. As a result, the fate of Germany (and of other countries as well) was tied up with that of the United States. When world trade and commerce collapsed, the German economy collapsed with it. Now millions of Germans were out of work. The middle class saw its savings and investments disappear. To pay their debts, people were forced to sell houses and furnishings. The Depression was the final blow, coming on top of Germany’s military defeat and the postwar years of inflation and unemployment. In Germany more than in any other country a feeling of utter hopelessness prevailed.

Hitler was tireless. He traveled from city to city by plane, automobile, and railroad. In the final few weeks before the election of 1930, he made as many as three speeches a day. He blamed the loss of the First World War on the old politicians of Germany; he told the people that they had been betrayed by Jewish bankers and moneylenders; he warned those who would listen that the time had come to rebuild Germany’s army and prepare for war against the Communists. He promised that there would be jobs for everyone when rebuilding began. Finally, he reminded the people of their lost pride in the fatherland, and he proclaimed the superiority of the Aryan race and German civilization.

People supported Hitler because he promised them what they wanted and needed to hear. Isn’t that what Obama is doing?

The Weimar Republic appeared to have no idea how to solve the problems of the Depression. The Nazis on the other hand promised to solve the problems. Hitler promised most groups in Germany what they wanted. Hitler used the Jews and other sections of society as scapegoats, blaming all the problems on them. To Germans at the time Hitler made sense, he united everyone by providing explanations for Germany’s problems. Obama and thhe Democrats are doing exactly the same thing. They are promising to solve problems. They are using George Bush and the Republicans as scapegoats for the problems we are facing instead of looking at what caused the real problems. THEM!

People in Germany were tired of their poor quality of life. Hitler promised to make Germany proud again – it was exactly what people wanted to hear. Hitler pledged something for every part of Germany society: He promised Farmers higher prices for their produce – making up for all their losses during the Depression. He promised unemployed workers jobs building public works such as roads and stadiums. He promised the middle class to restore the profits of small business and the value of savings. To end the Communist threat.

Obama and the Democrats are promising the same things. He’s promising jobs, profits for small businesses, tax cuts, higher wages….. TO END THE REPUBLICAN THREAT!

So…. if any of this upsets you I did my job. Just take a look at history and you will see what “Hope and Change” did to the world.

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