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Common Sense For Common People

The Obama Dog & Pony Show

February 25th, 2010 by Rich Szabo

The only thing the BO Show or “Health Care Summit” is showing so far is Obamas’ clueless arrogance.

Democrats: about 74 minutes Republicans: about 37 minutes. One third time Democrats, One third time Republicans, One third time Obama. I guess he doesn’t count as a Democrat. The reason why Obama’s speaking time doesn’t count is because, when he talks he is not saying anything. Please understand that the President needs more time than others, because he’s new.

Obama is looking really, really bad. The Republicans came to the meeting prepared. Obama is trying to wing but he can’t carry it off because he left his teleprompter home.

Barry is taking a page out of Sales 101: When you are selling a great product it will sell itself and requires minimal presentation. Present your product and let it sell itself. When your product is sub par it requires longer presentation filled with bells and whistles and other distractions. The distractions allow you to make an easy close because the buyer is overwhelmed by the presentation.

Even though they’ve gotten half the time, the Republicans have put forth an incredibly well prepared front. They shot down Baucus when he claimed healthcare savings accounts were in the Dem’s bill. Republicans pointed out by page number just how much the bill eliminates many of the benefits currently enjoyed by those with healthcare savings accounts. Obama had to quickly come to the Dem’s rescue and forbid the Republicans from actually pointing out the facts of what is hidden in this 2,500 page piece o’ pooh! If you support it you shouldn’t be afraid to have it made public. Unless of course there is something you don’t want the American public to know, which appears to be the case.

Every time someone tried to discuss problems with the bill, Obama would interrupt and say “we are here to discuss what we agree on not what we don’t like”. That’s not open dialogue. That’s driving the conversation your way.

Lamar Alexander was paraphrasing from a recent CBO report. After, Odumbo lied and claimed Alexander was wrong, the Republicans actually started reading verbatim the CBO report, which proved Alexander was right and Obama was wrong. It really made Barry look like the pathetic liar that he is.

“I’m pretty certain I’m not wrong.” said Obama. Pretty certain isn’t good when you’re dealing with $1 Trillion dollars. But then again it’s not his money.

The estimate from the CBO specifically shows that premiums will increase by 10-13% by 2016. Pardon Sen. Alexander for stating clear, concise facts.

If they are so sure about this Bill then why are they so apprehensive and dominating the allotted time to speak? If anything the Republican’s should be speaking more because they are not the one’s who wrote the bill, after all it was the Democrats. If you are truly sure about something, you shouldn’t have to be defending constantly, you should be listening and clarifying all doubts. Instead they are dominating time and not allowing the other side to talk and bring up their views.

Obama’s Show and Tell isn’t working out the way he planned, because the Democrats are showing way too much, and their lies and tactics are so telling. What happens when you televise corrupt Democrats on TV? You get to see it!

The Republicans have sat down at a crooked poker table run by a master Mississippi Riverboat gambler named Obama. He’s already insulted John McCain, dealt the Republicans half the speaking time, and patronized everyone on the opposite side of the table. He and his band of rogues are going to ram his bill through next week anyway.

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This entry was posted on Thursday, February 25th, 2010 at 6:09 pm and is filed under Health Care. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

1 response about “The Obama Dog & Pony Show”

  1. Ted Silberstein said:

    And he can do all of this of course because, as he so arrogantly pointed out to everyone at the very beginning when told he was going way over his alotted time: “I can because ‘m the President.” The utter bloated arrogance from a head that just gets bigger and bigger every day, a head that will inevitably make him fall. And just like Humpty Dumpty, all the kings Rahms and all the kings Nancys and all the kings Harrys will never be able to put this Obumpty back together again.

    And the exchange between Obumpty and Alexander made me laugh out loud as it instantly reminded me of the Carfax commercial, where the customer keeps asking the salesman “just show me the carfax” and the salesman keeps playing dumb and pulling out car maps and everything else. Of course in Obumpty’s case he isn’t just playing dumb. Just show us the healthcarefax Obumpty!

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