Buzz Paths

Common Sense For Common People

Judge Susie Screws Arizona

July 29th, 2010 by Rich Szabo

Yesterday U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton suspended the law’s requirement that cops check a person’s immigration status during traffic stops, detentions and arrests. Read the ENTIRE COURT ORDER HERE

She also put a hold on the requirement that legal immigrants carry their citizenship papers at all times or face penalties and the provision making it illegal for an undocumented immigrant to have a job.

In her ruling, Bolton said the law would put an unfair burden on legal immigrants.

Unfair burden on illegals? Give me a break! It puts an unfair burden on the State of Arizona and all of it’s LEGAL citizens. But this comes as no surprise since Judge Susie is a Bubba Clinton appointee.

Of Barak Hussein Obama’s interference in Arizona’s rightful attempt to protect itself, he and the rest of today’s Washington liberal ilk would be wise to take heed of the words of Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio in 1958. Yes, that’s 1958! How these words resonate today: “I don’t believe you can have freedom in a country the size of the United States unless you have freedom of state and local communities to decide their own affairs. This country is so tremendous that no one sitting in Washington is responsive to local public opinion and consequently the regulations he attempts to make amount to tyranny in many communities where they are different from what the people want.” Taken from the 1962 book – ‘Barry Goldwater – Mr. Conservative
‘ a great book not coincidentally about Senator Barry Goldwater of, yes, Arizona. 1962! Yes, even then the conservative geniuses like Goldwater and Taft knew!

Twenty other states are considering enacting versions of the Arizona law. Now why is that? Maybe because Barry and da Boyz are doing NOTHING to protect us or enforcing the U.S. Immigration Laws?

We are asking you to bombard the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona with your comments regarding Judge Susie’s decision. Please go to the United States District Court of Arizona and let them know what you think!

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