Buzz Paths

Common Sense For Common People

President and Mrs. George W. Bush: Class Personified

November 15th, 2010 by Ted Silberstein

Just an unsolicited observation that should be made regarding George Bush. No one, even conservatives would dispute that Bush made some serious mistakes, and left office with one of the lowest approval ratings among modern presidents. But it must be said that he has held himself accountable. On the other hand, every single day through two years of campaigning for president, Barack Hussein Obama and his wife Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama and-a-half, did nothing but bash George Bush, and have continued non-stop blaming Bush for every single problem two years into Obama’s own presidency. Likewise, after leaving office Bill Clinton wrote a book and used his 2004 book tour to criticize Bush.

By comparison, two years now out of office, George Bush has steadfastly refused to criticize Obama either in his own new book or in interviews because in his words it just isn’t good for the country or for the presidency. The lovely Laura Bush in fact has in measured tones defended Obama saying that few can understand the difficulties of being the president. CLASS PERSONIFIED!

Do you think we can expect the same kind of class or self accountability from Barack Hussein Obama and Mrs. Barack Hussein Obama and-a-half when he leaves office? I’m just sayin’…

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