Buzz Paths

Common Sense For Common People

Drug Test Congress

March 25th, 2008 by Rich Szabo

Since there is drug testing in corporate america and professional sports I was thinking that a great way to cut the national spending would be to have mandatory drug testing fro ALL welfrare recipients.

Can you just imagine. Fail the test, you don’t get a check.

Think of the billions of dollars this country could save by having mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients. The only drag is the ACLU thinks it’s unconsitutional to drug test welfare recipients.

Then take it a step further. How about mandatory drug testing for all elected officials.. I would love to see the United States Congress tested. Think about all the stories that have hit the news over the years regarding Congressmen, Senators and even a guy who said “I didn’t inhale”.

The NCAA has drug testing

High Schools have drug testing

Congress proposed a law regarding high school drug testing

The PGA has drug testing

The NFL has drug testing

Major League Baseball has drug testing

I don’t know about you, but I want elected officials, judges, law enforcement to be law abiding citizens. Why is there a double standard?

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