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Common Sense For Common People

Boston Bruins Goalie Tim Thomas blocks White House Invitation

January 29th, 2012 by Ted Silberstein

Orlando Sentinel columnist George Diaz in a January 26 commentary “Well, hail to the chief malcontent in Boston,” attacks Boston Bruins goaltender Tim Thomas as a petulant child for declining an invitation to the White House, and now Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has shamelessly climbed on board the bash-Thomas Express, using his gubernatorial platform to launch a similar attack on Thomas.  They and the rest of the critics of their ilk are out of line.  These critics used their platform to trash Thomas for his personal political feelings which are none of their damn business.

Thomas didn’t make a grand spectacle of his decision to decline the White House invitation.  He didn’t call some big press conference or go on talk shows to discuss his decision and parade his political beliefs like Hollywood’s pompous self-proclaimed political rocket scientists like Janeane Garafoolo and Rosie O’Dumbasss are so fond of doing.  He simply declined the invitation.  But when pressed for a reason by folks like Diaz and Gov. Patrick who demand, and are convinced they have a right to, and are entitled to an explanation for his personal decision, Thomas obliged with his answer expressing his personal disfavor with how the government – BOTH parties – have been running America lately.  If Thomas doesn’t want to lend his celebrity status as a professional sports athlete to an event held in a political arena, that’s his business and no one else has a right to demand that he does.

Yes, it may be a tradition for athletes to go to White House gatherings, and yes maybe one day Thomas will feel differently and regret that his face is missing from a photo.  But it is his decision to make.  There are surely many folks who would value a White House invitation.  Tim Thomas and surely others, do not.  For writers like Diaz and politicians like Gov. Patrick to use their platform to impose their own value of a White House invitation upon Thomas or anyone else, and then stomp their feet and rant against them for not valuing it as they do makes them the petulant children.      

George Diaz
January 25 2012, 9:00 PM EST
Tim Thomas doesn't know my buddy Ruben Perez, but he should. 
The complete article can be viewed at:,0,7489424.column 
Gov. Deval Patrick on Bruins goalie Tim Thomas: It seems like we’re losing ‘basic courtesy and grace’ 
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